الثلاثاء، ٢٥ ديسمبر ٢٠٠٧

Residential Office building design project

مشروع تصميم مبنى سكني إداري مطل على نهر النيل ـ
يتكون المبنى من 12 طابق .. على مساحة 1230 متر مربع ..
الطابق الأول والثاني بنك ..
يحتوي على 40 وحدة سكنية مساحتها 120 متر مربع .. ..
و 20 وحدة سكنية بمساحة 200 متر مربع
و10 وحدات سكنية دوبلكس 240 متر مربع
تقدير المشروع .. امتياز ++
الطالب محمود محمد محمد علي .

السبت، ٢٤ نوفمبر ٢٠٠٧

يقول الشيخ محمد الغزالي ..

يقول الشيخ محمد الغزالي . في كتاب فقه السيرة

من حق المسلم أن يرتب المصادر التي يأخذ عنها دينه ،وأن يدرك الوضع
الصحيح للمحفوظ من قول النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام وفعله ، إلى جوار السجل الثابت
للوحي الإلهي التي خصت به الرسالة الخاتمة :

إن القرآن روح الإسلام ومادته ، وفي آياته المحكمة شُرع دستوره وبسطت
دعوته ، وقد تكفل الله بحفظه فصينت به حقيقة الدين وكتب لها الخلود أبد الآبدين .
والردل الذي اصطفاه الله لإبلاغ آياته وحمل رسالاته ، كان ((قرآنا)) حيا يسعى بين
الناس ، كان مثالا لما صوره القرآن من إيمان وإخبات ، وسعي وجهاد ، وحق وقوة وفقه
وبيان ، فلا جرم أن قوله وفعله وتقريره وأخلاقه وأحكامه ونواحي حياته كلها تعد
ركنا في الدين وشريعة للمؤمنين .

إن الله تعالى اختاره ليتحدث باسمه ويبلغ عنه ، فمن اولى منه بفهم مراد
الله فيما قال ؟ ومن اولى منه بتحديد المسلك الذي يتواءم مع دلالات الرآن القريبة
والبعيدة .؟

إن تطبيق القانون لا يقل خطرا عن صياغته وللقانون نص وروح ، وعند علاج
الأحداث المختلفة لتسير وفق القانون العتيد ، تجدّ فتاوى و تُدون نصائح وتحفظ
تجارب وعبر ، وتثبت أحكام ، بعضها أقرب إلى حرفية النص ، وبعضها أدنى إلى روحه ..
وهكذا .

والقرآن هو قانون الغسلام ، والسنة
هي تطبيقه ، والمسلم مكلف باحترام هذا التطبيق تكليفه باحترام القانون نفسه ، وقد
أعطى الله نبيه حق الاتباع فيما يأمر به وينهى عنه ،لأن – في ذلك – لا يصدر عن
نفسه بل عن توجيه ربه ، فطاعته هي طاعة الله ، وليست خضوعا أعمى لواحد من الناس .

قال الله عز وجل :" من يطع
الرسول فقد أطاع الله ومن تولى فما ارسلناك عليهم حفيظا " النساء :

وقال : " وانزلنا إليك الذكر
لتبين للناس ما نُزِّل إليهم ولعلهم يتفكرون "النحل : 44 .

وقال : " وما آتاكم الرسول
فخذوه وما نهاكم عنه فانتهو " الحشر : 7

على أن الإلهام لا يعطل مواهب الإنسان الراقي ، فمن الخطأ أن نتصور المرسلين اناسا مسخرين
تنطقهم الملائكة أو تسكتهم ، إنهم لو لم يكونو انبياء لكانو رجالا يُرمقون باحترام
، ويقدَّمون عن جدارة .

إن الوحي لا يصيب الناس اتفاقا ، بل يرشح له أكمل الناس رشدا ، وأسبغهم فضلا ، وانبلهم خلقا ،
وأنضجهم رايا . وسيرة هؤلاء في الحياة ليست مما ينبذ ، وكلمهم ليس مما يهمل ، فكيف
إذا تايدت هذه العراقة بالعصمة ، وهذا الذكاء بالتسديد ؟ .

إن السير في ركاب المرسلين هو الخير
كله ، ومن ثم كانت سنة محمد عليه الصلاة والسلام مصدرا لشريعته مع الكتاب الذي
شرفه الله به .

الجمعة، ١٢ أكتوبر ٢٠٠٧

Interview with Architect Moamen El Soudany

اضغط على الوصلة التالية لمعرفة المزيد عن المهندس مؤمن السوداني وإنجازاته

الأحد، ٣٠ سبتمبر ٢٠٠٧

World Business Center Busan (WBCB)

World Business Center Busan (WBCB)

Asymptote has been awarded The Mellinium Tower World Business center in Busan ,Korea .The international competetion was sponsored by the Municipality of Busan city and the Solomon group....

The Official announcement was made on January 25 in Busan after a unanimous decision by jury members selecting Asymptote's groundbreaking design of 3 separate tapered towers rising out of a robust and powerful base .

The Solomon Group , a private Korean developer, intends to move forward with Asymptote;s design for a 560m tall tower , which upon competetion will be the tallest building in Asia .
for more information, visit: www.asymptote.net

الأربعاء، ٢٦ سبتمبر ٢٠٠٧


Tsunami Memorial Landscape
Khao Lak, 2005
The sheer scale of loss in the 2004 tsunami is beyond comprehension, and certainly, beyond any type of direct architectural representation. Our proposal for the memorial therefore does not attempt to index the event literally, but rather through abstraction. It is a landform rather than an object, an experience rather than a focal point. It is a space which relates to the mystery and power and dynamics of nature as much as to the human impact of the event.

The landscape creates a clearing on the west cliff, allowing views of the ocean. It is separated from the Memorial Center by a pathway, which provides a buffer to the city as well as time to contemplate. Once at the platform, visitors descend into a tectonic rift, a private, protected space for both mourning loss as well as viewing the beauty of the ocean. A field of voids breaks down the continuity of the landscape, creating possibilities for private interaction and the placement of personal effects. From the rift, visitors loop back up to the main platform level via a winding stairway.
The Memorial Center supports the memorial with opportunities for meeting and learning as well as basic amenities. It is located near Highway 4 for easy access and parking. The programmatic elements are unified around a small plaza where people can orient themselves before embarking on their pilgrimage to the Memorial Landscape.

For more information , visit : http://www.emergentarchitecture.com

الجمعة، ٢١ سبتمبر ٢٠٠٧

Emergent architecture (Urban Concept)

This proposal for MoCA/PE creates a world-class institution which is characterized by both its response to its local environment but also by its formal and structural elegance. The project embraces the concept of the northern part of the Futian Center District as a traditional Chinese courtyard space. In order to bound and intensify the monumental scale of this courtyard, the building massing is designed as a mirror reflection of the L-shaped YAH building. This move creates a defining corner for the urban space.

A Garden Plaza is located in the void created by the L-shape, which serves as a meeting point and gateway to the cultural delights offered inside the new building. It is spatially defined on all sides by topography, plantings, furniture, and the Plaza Roof, creating a highly specific and integrated environment. The Plaza Roof offers shade, while plant-life and water features cool the air underneath based on principals of natural convection and evaporative cooling, creating a high-performance urban microclimate. This space is a lush and tropical atmosphere including public amenities such as gift shops, bookstores, and cafes, allowing museum visitors sanctuary from the stresses of city life.

Organizational Concept
The design is based on integrating the MoCA and Planning Exhibition programs into a single unified project with a distinct presence in the city. Unification of the programs allows for a greater efficiency due to reduction of redundant circulation and public amenity spaces. All of the exhibition space for both programs is located in loft-like spaces in the L-shaped volume. These are open-plan spaces with high clear ceiling heights which can be reconfigured easily as exhibits change. Support spaces for these exhibition spaces, including administrative spaces, the PE Library, and a restaurant looking down at the Graden Plaza, are all located in this part of the building as well.

A crystalline Foyer connects these levels together via escalators and elevators. This Foyer acts as an environmental buffer between the Garden Plaza outside and the more controlled exhibition spaces, in terms of temperature, humidity, noise, and light levels.

Design Concept
The design of MoCA/PE is based on structural morphologies found in nature, both in terms of their aesthetic and performative characteristics. Specifically, lilypads were examined for their biomathematical logic which includes a network of deep veins which support their wide diameters. Although lilypads float naturally on water, their overall stability is determined by the depth, number, and distribution of these veins. The building structure similarily spreads over architectural surfaces according to force flows, driven by a rule-based system of branching and computational subdivision.

Ultimately, the morphology of veining and structural surface relief can be understood as a semi-monocoque construction. The semi-monocoque, often found in aerospace and automobile construction, is based on the skin as structure, but utilizes stiffening ribs and bending members as needed to keep the strength-to-weight ratio optimized. The variable, composite sensibility of semi-monocoque construction offers an alternative to dogmatic frame and skin alternatives.

Cost Estimating services provided by Davis Langdon Adamson
visit : http://www.emergentarchitecture.com/

الثلاثاء، ١٨ سبتمبر ٢٠٠٧

Beijing Airport Beijing, China Foster + Partners

Beijing Airport
Beijing, China 2003-2008
Foster + Partners

The world’s largest and most advanced airport building - not only technologically, but also in terms of passenger experience, operational efficiency and sustainability – Beijing Airport will be welcoming and uplifting. A symbol of place, its soaring aerodynamic roof and dragon-like form will celebrate the thrill of flight and evoke traditional Chinese colours and symbols

Beijing's new international airport terminal will be the gateway to the city as it welcomes athletes from around the world to the twenty-ninth Olympiad in 2008. The world's largest and most advanced airport building - not only technologically, but also in terms of passenger experience, operational efficiency and sustainability - it will be welcoming and uplifting. A symbol of place, its soaring aerodynamic roof and dragon-like form will celebrate the thrill and poetry of flight and evoke traditional Chinese colours and symbols

Located between the existing eastern runway and the future third runway, the terminal encloses a floor area of more than a million square metres and is designed to accommodate an estimated 43 million passengers per annum, rising to 53 million by 2015. Although conceived on an unprecedented scale, its design expands on the new airport paradigm created by Stansted and Chek Lap Kok. In that sense it represents the crest of a learning curve. Designed for maximum flexibility to cope with the unpredictable nature of the aviation industry, like its predecessors, it aims to resolve the complexities of modern air travel, combining spatial clarity with high service standards. Public transport connections are fully integrated, walking distances for passengers are short, with few level changes, and transfer times between flights are minimised. Like Chek Lap Kok, the terminal is open to views to the outside and planned under a single unifying roof canopy, whose linear skylights are both an aid to orientation and sources of daylight - the colour cast changing from red to yellow as passengers progresses through the building.

The terminal building will be one of the worlds most sustainable, incorporating a range of passive environmental design concepts, such as the south-east orientated skylights, which maximise heat gain from the early morning sun, and an integrated environment-control system that minimises energy consumption and carbon emissions. In construction terms, its design optimises the performance of materials selected on the basis of local availability, functionality, application of local skills, and low cost procurement. Remarkably, it will have been designed and built in just four years.

Client: Beijing Capital International Airport Company Ltd.Consultants: Arup, Davis Langdon, Arup, Michel Desvigne, Speirs and Major, Arup, BIAD, BNP Associates Inc, Design Solutions, Logplan GmbH, NACO, Reef U.K.

for more information : http://www.fosterandpartners.com/

الخميس، ٢٨ يونيو ٢٠٠٧

Mansoura National Museum Design Project

مشروع تصميم متحف قومي بمدينة المنصورة
الغرض من المشروع هو تطوير المناطق الشعبية في المنصورة ..
تقدير المشروع امتياز . 100

الاثنين، ١١ يونيو ٢٠٠٧

امتحان التصميم ...

امتحان نهاية العام في التصميم ... زمن الامتحان 7 ساعات ..
زمن التصميم 6 ساعات ..
الامتحان عبارة عن متحف المنصورة الثقافي .. بجوار قصر الثقافة ..
ادعولي .. ولا تنسو وضع تعليقاتكم ..